
Friday, April 5, 2013

Call for participation!

Description: We are looking for resources to equip lay leaders and teachers for Christian witness to a
Biblical diagnosis of the great financial crisis, as related to scriptural anomalies with debt-based
fiat currencies and the message of sacrifice expected to result from the financial industry mess.
  • What light does the Bible cast on the present financial system with its mountains of debt and confidence crises?
  • If global financial systems are being shaken at core, what alternatives might emerge?
  • How might Christians be salt and light to others in a compelling shared threatening economic climate? 
  • How can Christians respond to the financial crisis at the personal and local Church level? Local models?
Complementary currencies may well be among shared common visions. --Ray Foss

JubileeUSA has been very supportive, but this is not a project or program of Jubilee USA Network, though they are helping. Their encouragement incurs costs for staff coordination which requires that individuals support. Please make a tax deductible online donation at designated for this initiative. (In donation “Comments” box put “for Faith Based Economy".

ENDORSEMENT — A faith-based project on economic justice is always timely because injustice is
always with us and religious consciousness abhors that fact. It is the financial crisis that rivets our
attention in 2013. They can be expected to push the discussion toward what can be done now by
people of faith to change the trajectory of our skewed economic system in an arc toward justice.
— by The Rev. Walter L. Owensby, Presbyterian Church USA minister, author of Economics for Prophets: A Primer on Concepts, Realities, and Values in Our Economic System (1988).

"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov.29:18)