
Monday, March 4, 2013


Description: Leadership training event is intended to equip lay leaders and teachers for Christian witness to a Biblical diagnosis of the great financial crisis, as related to Biblical anomalies with debt-based fiat currencies and the message of sacrifice expected to result from the financial industry mess. Small group focus is intended to provide motivation, resources and training to equip Christians to make disciples, teaching obedience.

Intent: Building an economy that serves, protects and promotes relationships toward the participation of the vulnerable.

Desired outcomes:
  1. Address crucial theme issue: Apathy; assumed financial ethical neutrality; can man rule man?  
  2. Define the few most important witness opportunities to crisis, by group process etc;
  3. What does this have to do with Christian faith?  Why important?  Cultural accommodation? 
  4. Witness to the Spirit; blog posts on 'Why Important?" etc; 
  5. Connections and contacts; expand list [build network] of concerned Christians;
  6. Prototype future forum-type convocations, say via

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